Championing Climate Positivity

Caring for the earth is inextricably linked to Cipla’s core purpose of Caring For Life. After all, of the 6 essentials for good health – sunlight, clean air, water, food, sleep and exercise, four are nature itself.

Today, climate change poses a serious challenge to human survival as well as a business risk to our operations and physical assets. However, it also presents an opportunity for the pharmaceutical sector to rise responsibly to the health challenge by making drugs that are affordable and accessible. We are committed to doing our bit in solving the climate change crisis faced by the world today.

Our Approach

Our Approach

At Cipla, our approach to sustainability is closely integrated with our long-term ambition to build smarter solutions that are aligned with our purpose of ‘Caring for Life’.

Towards this, we actively pursue sustainable practices such as reducing resource use, replacing traditional fuels with greener alternatives, paring down water usage, and playing a pivotal role in successfully implementing Extended Producer Responsibility. We have extended these initiatives beyond the factory gates and engaged with our stakeholders for greener, more sustainable operations.



Our initiatives are aligned with sustainability megatrends like climate change, circular economy and water stewardship. Based on extensive consultation and feedback from our internal and external stakeholders on material issues, we have identified key strategic focus areas to champion climate positivity.


Industrial energy consumption is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and concurrently, energy expenses directly affect operational costs.We have a four-pronged energy management strategy:

  • Improving energy efficiency across our operations through awareness and monitoring.
  • Adopting new technologies and processes.
  • Implementing measures to retire inefficient software and equipment.
  • Enhancing the proportion of renewable sources in the total energy consumption mix.

Read more - AR Pg 110-115


We are continuously working towards improving energy efficiency across operational locations, enhancing the proportion of renewable energy sources (solar, wind power and biofuels) and adding a solar portfolio through various renewable energy projects in the total energy mix in line with our goal of being ‘Carbon Neutral and achieve 50% share of renewable electricity in our India Manufacturing Operations by December 2025.’

Read more - AR Pg 113-117


Our approach to ‘Water Neutrality’ is based on three critical aspects:

  • Increased use of rainwater.
  • Reduction in the use of blue water through wastewater management.
  • Supporting communities through water conservation initiatives.

Across our facilities, we have implemented the 5R approach of Reduce, Recover, Recycle, Reuse and Recharge.

Read more - AR Pg 118-120


Cipla has consistently scaled up waste management practices by reducing generation quantities and directing waste to authorised Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (TSDF). We are increasing the share of recycling and co-processing to bring down the quantity of waste disposed to landfills in line with our goal to achieve ‘Zero Waste to Landfill’ status for India manufacturing operations by December 2025. All our hazardous and non-hazardous waste is inventoried periodically and disposed of in compliance with applicable government regulations.

Read more - AR Pg 120- 122




*Carbon neutrality is for scope 1 (energy based) & scope 2 Emissions
